Chris and Gaye come to the boat.

Mike West
Sun 14 Jun 2015 17:55
As soon as we had eaten our breakfast we said bye to Britican (the boat
next door to us), I hoped that we would meet up in Greece as we are going to
Greece soon and today they are going to Greece, it will take them two days. When
Britican had left and when we had finished our homework Daddy went to pick his
friend Chris and his daughter, Gaye. Whilst Daddy motored to the beach in the
dingy with Catrin Harry, Mummy and I cleaned the boat. Half an hour later Daddy
came back with Chris, Gaye, Catrin and shopping, we unpacked the pastries and
the bread which Catrin and Daddy brought and we also unpacked the village grown
oranges and lemons which Chris and Gaye had brought. When everyone was on board
we snacked on pastries, they where really good.
Once we had eaten our snacks we decided to go on a small sail into the cool
breeze and out of the scorching sun. Daddy pulled the anchor up using the the
windlass and we motored out of the bay, Gaye showed us photos of a house which
Chris had built, she also showed us pictures of their house in Sicily. Whilst we
where motoring we saw a shoal of about ten dolphins we motored over to them and
they came to the boat, we all watched them from the front of the boat. Gaye was
amazed, she really liked the dolphins, whilst we where looking at the dolphins a
swordfish jumped out of the water. The dolphins came to the boat twice, they
didn’t stay for long though.
After our lunch we tried some of the oranges that Chris and Gaye had picked
from there friend’s house, they where really juicy and tasty. They had also
brought some lemons we didn’t eat them though. Daddy spotted a fin and tail fin
moving in the water, we all thought it was a sunfish at first then we realised
it was a big fish like a shark. When we arrived back at the anchorage we
anchored next to the marina so we wouldn’t get the bad swell that is coming. As
soon as we had anchored two men came over with the dog Rosie and whiley, they
told us that they had organised a trip for us to go up Mount Etna with a driver
and a guide. We were told that we where going to be picked up in a dingy and
dropped of with our guide and driver, they would take us on a tour round Mount
Etna tomorrow. We were also told that the fish which we thought was a shark was
actually the Sicilian Marlin! We soon dropped Chris and Gaye of and we then
wondered in to town. We brought some more bread, salami, cheese and some
When we got back to the boat we had our tea and we then watched the jet
skiers fall of their jet skis it was really funny especially when two people
fell in! We soon climbed into our cabins and we went straight to bed because we
were up early this morning.
Written by Katie