Cagliari (Pronounced: Cayayie)
Mike West
Thu 28 May 2015 04:39
39:12.076N 009:07.571E
Today at seven o’clock in the morning we caught another blue goldline!!
Grandad put it into a bag and he put it into the fridge, we had four goes we
lost three hooks and we lost the line but we luckily got it back. When we had
dealt with the fish we set sail to Cagliari, on the way we had to motor between
Island’s lighthouses, they where black with white stripes. We got some tiny male
dolphins jump out of the water near our stern (the back of the boat, the bow is
the front of the boat.).
Male dolphins hunt in groups of four, so if you see four dolphins there
will probably be male dolphins. The female dolphins and the baby dolphins they
travel in floats, and they don’t hunt. When we had seen the dolphins we had our
breakfast, soon after breakfast Daddy saw that the water maker wasn’t working.
He realised that one of our switches had been switched to Not on board. He
turned the switch back on to on board, the water was working again!!
When we arrived at Cagliari loads of Flamingos flew over our heads it was
amazing. The Flamingos are wild, and you could see all there pink and black
feathers!! When we had tidied the boat up we did our homework, when we had done
this we met the people next door they were repairing a broken winch. They told
us about the dolphins that come into the marina, the blue bass, the mussel
farms, good restaurants and they also told us that a shoal of blue fin tuna is
coming through the South Sardinian straits. Blue fin tuna are worth two hundred
pounds a kilo in Japan, not one part of the fish is wasted!! When we met the
people next door Eleanor Wilson rang me, we talked for an hour!!
When we had talked I met the Germans who are on the boat which is opposite
us we fished with them, we didn’t catch anything though. Whilst we where fishing
Grandad gutted the fish that we had caught earlier that day, Grandad gut of some
mussels from the pontoon, we used these as bait. Harry found a crab that was
crawling amongst the mussels.
After we had fished with the boat opposite we went back to our boat and we
had tea and Eleanor then rang again after she had rang we went to bed as
we where all very, very, very tired.
Written by Katie