Olbia- Boat work -9th May

Mike West
Sun 10 May 2015 10:27
Today on the 9th of May we woke up at quarter to 9 and then we wrote our,
blogs and had breakfast. Today Dad was changing the toilet pipes as they were
all starting to smell and Mum was going to the shops with Catrin, we were on the
boat doing our home work. Mum was going to the shops for food and when we had
finished our home work Mum and Catrin had came back from the shops, we
didn’t know what to do so we looked on the map that we had brought and we found
a play ground so we went into town and we followed the map. On the way we found
an ice-cream shop Catrin was asleep so she didn't get an ice-cream. I had a
chocolate ice-cream, Dad had a mango one, Mum had a chocolate with vanilla and
Katie had a mint chock chip. We then ate our ice-creams and we went into a shop
that was full off toys, so we just went in for a look. I found some things
Catrin would like a peppa pig bouncy ball, a peppa pig family pack, Katie found
a peppa pig ice-cream shop and I found miss rabbits helicopter I think. When we
got around to the other side of the shop we found a skeleton pencil and we found
a pencil that was great for us because it is a B and it is good for writing on
charts so we brought it.
We then found a shop that sold china. We went in there for a look around,
luckily Katie found a cup that wasn't one that we were looking for Mum and Dad
found one, with the Sardinia flag on it so we brought it. We then came to the
play ground and we played un till it was time to go back to the boat. On the way
my foot had got a blister on it and it really hurt. We soon got back to the boat
and we were getting ready for a restraint to have tea. I decided to put some
socks on and ware trainers and put a nice t.shirt and shorts and jumper on. We
then went to a pizzeria as a treat, we had our tea and went back to the boat,
read and we went to bed.
Written by Harry |