33:45.96N 10:15.50W

Tioram 4
Tina & Tony
Mon 19 Oct 2009 13:29
Hi everyone
Another nice day on the Atlantic. We had a very calm night with good northerly winds until around 5am this morning. Winds then reduced and motor sailing and just motoring from then on.
its been a sun bathing day with clear skys and warm breeze. Had a chat with a small Spainish yacht at 11-30 this morning, passed on the lastest weather information. He was also heading to Las palmas but at a very slow speed. Weather forecast looks light for the next 24 hours then we are looking forward to a westerly blow of up to 20 knots. This should push us along nicely and give us more speed. Average speed so far around 6 knots.  Need to try and do better.  
Love to everyone.
The crew of Tioram  x x