spinaker flying

Rhiann Marie - Round the World
Stewart Graham
Mon 30 Nov 2009 16:04
We are today at 17:35.17N 050:11.7W. After a previous frap with  the spinaker which caused a series of "bullet holes" across the spinaker the Murdo and I spent the morning repairing it and then we hoisted and off we went. We racked up our 10th 200 mile + day and we currently have 665 left to run to Antigua. Our ETA is Friday 4th December. Some aboard are desperate for it ( the arrival at Antigua!). I dont care I am quite happy and as we have used no fuel and have all that in reserve we could theoretically go on and on.
Our curry and Quiz "down the pub night" was a great success. Murdo turned up with the dark glasses and Panama hat looking like something out of a Quintin Tarrantino movie and would not have looked out of place in the sixteies which was probably the last tim,e he was in a pub. Tonight is St Andrews night and we will be having an all Scottish Banquet with Haggis and a tad of Malt. Thats all I can say for now.