Position S17:5:1964 W166:5:000
Graham & Lesley
Thu 16 Sep 2021 16:17
Thurs 16 September 2021 at 11:45 in the Pacific Ocean, Position S17:5:1964 W166:5:000 Mojo to Fiji News not so good Blog 7
We recieved the unwanted news last night that we would encounter a SPCZ on
our next leg of the journey, thats roughly 2-3 days away, the concern is that it
came with a rain warning and the fact that it could be doesnt bode well,
however we are already preparing for that part of the journey and by time we get
there hopefully all will be prepared, and to add to our practice a passing
squall with 32 knots of wind came through just after breakfast, with rain, a
massive formation looked like someone had sent a v bomber to deliver its deadly
cargo with undercarriage as well, spooky.
We have organised our deck fittings so its not as cluttered and stashed and
lashed all that we will not need. We are going to concentrate on getting as much
rest as possible so we are fully prepared.On my last Atlantic crossing people
disscussed squalls in great detail and speculated that on a crossing you may
well experience one or two, well try 4 a day for 6 days and you become something
of a squall bore.
Just changing our routing now and will be going the Manuka passage route
into Fiji.Well gotta go someone is shaking lunch at me.
Mojo standing by for
weather!!!!!!!!!!9:4183 |