Position S23:45:843 E164:58:057
Graham & Lesley
Mon 15 Nov 2021 17:02
15 November 2021 Position S23:45:843
E164:58:057 2021 South Pacific
time local 07:11 am
Mojo blog to Australia.04
Not only am I getting a hard time from the Admiral
onboard, I am getting a hard time from the Rear Admiral for lack of blogging,
well its not for the fact of trying.
We are still pressing on for Capel Bank which I
think is the equivalent of the Bay of Biscay, you have this lump rising from
between 3000 and 2000 metres, 60 by 20 metres and the top of it is 10 metres
below the serface, so can you imagine when the volume of water from the deep is
blown at 20 knots over the lump some pretty extrodinary stuff is going to happen
and we have decided with all good seaman ship to go below it all and hopefully
have a calmer passage,so we are working to get Mojo into a position to the South
of this.
We have 100 nm to motor sail before we reach the
reported wind shift which apparently happened to the last boat in under a
minute, they said they were caught napping. Mojo is ready to take this on and at
25 miles we will be on wind watch to make sure nothing to windy
Incident to report today one of those beautiful
blue footed Boobies AKA foreign seagulls decided to crap all over the foredeck
in the night oily smelly shite everywhere and if you dont clean it straight away
it becomes engrained in the gelcoat so luckily with calm seas I sent the cleaner
out to do there best.......I think I did a good job!!
Since the beginning of the trip we have undergone 2
time changes and are now on Australian time, I may have already said and be
repeating myself going on and on that I am looking forward to no jet lag in that
room just a lag in room, well it is 05:30 so on with coffee and the break of
day, must wake the Admiral, the other Admiral will do what she wants in that
cold snow.
Mojo 100 miles to wind