17 Januaary 2018

Graham & Lesley
Fri 4 Jan 2008 02:42
08:15 January 17th 2018. Mojo of Cowes slpped
mooring lines and motored out of San Miguel Marina bound for Mindelo Cape Vede
some 850 miles to the south close to the rhub line which would eventually take
her on to Saint Lucia in the Carribean.Taking a course of 218 degrees under
engine for some 3 hours in the lee of Tenerife which had been battered by North
Easterly winds for the past 3 days, the foreast was as predicted and after some
initial adjustments we were crusing at 6 plus knots with our sails set in the
familiar goose wing configuration.
During the last 6 weeks Mojo had rested in the
marina whilste her antifouling had been replaced and fitted with solar panels
and adesalination unit to enable her to take on the journey which would end in
Brisbane Australia.
At midday we commenced the log with a chart entry
and our position marked on the chart, we were underaway and with some of the
crew a little weasy we started to meander downwind under sunshine.
We will try to keeep those of you who are following
interested in our journey.
On board we have
Sarah and Jon Modley a couple of scottish decent
who have opte to take a break from their work routine.
Oriall who is Spanish and from Catalunia also a
free diver and adventurer
With me acting as the skipper.
Watches have been allocated and we will be using a
2 hour on 6 off watch system, with a cooking rota to match, we already have our
lines out expecting one of our meals to taste like fish but in this vast ocean
who knows
From all on board Mojo and sent via our iridium
Please do not reply to any emails only start new
email no pictures no jkes and sms or txt like script
Pressing on Position 27:17.405N