Position 8:34S:127:49W Hoist the Spinnaker and code zero

Graham & Lesley
Wed 18 Mar 2020 05:38
8:34S:127:49W Hoist the Spinnaker and code
zero 18th March 2020 South Pacific time
local 02:00
Mojo blog 11 It was the slow motion of the boat that dictated the sail pattern for the day wind from behind meant the code zero and spinnaker together, half an hour of planning half an hour to hoist and adjust all the rigging and with 11 knots of wind we were averaging 7.4 knots speed over the ground, just to labour the point the speed of the boat plus any tides or currents favourable or ill make up the SOG, for a production boat of 16 tons to be dragged along by 2 bits of cloth at that speed is pretty damn good even if I do say so myself. So good progress throughout the day but we fell off a cliff at dusk and are now creeping along with the hope of favourable winds in the morning. During the day the remainder of our canned fuel was loaded into our diesel tank so that has boosted our tank capacity to nearly 200 litres which has to be enough to get us to our destination, so fuel management has now become a top of the list itemalong with water, food tea and buscuits, will we have enough for the remainder of the journey. Talking about food our onboard Chef produced the meal of the day with his famous seafood mixed salad with green beans which was consumed with a glass of chilled orange zing, for those of you that don’t know zing comes in various flavours and lives in a packet, we just add it to the drinking water to make us think of England and its bloody cheap. So as we sail into the black with the stars lit as bright as you like its back to the cockpit and watch for boats, I think its about 9 days since we saw the lights of any vessel, Its pretty isolated in one of the biggest oceans in the world and bye the way only 750 Nautical Miles to go before beer. Mojo signing off