Position 4:30S:106:06W Wind Wind Wind

Graham & Lesley
Mon 9 Mar 2020 07:50
Position 4:30S:106:06W    Wind Wind Wind     9th March 2020 South  Pacific time local 03:00

Mojo blog 05

Wind is an essential ingredient to enable sailing to take place, it is debated by experts, sportsmen  and geeks however it is still some days a mystery.
We were on the conveyor belt of trade winds increasing our average boat speed to 6.2 knots per hour when the strangest situation occurred.
Normally when the wind does not want to do what it should it hits you on the nose so that you are unable to sail into it or it comes from the aft when you have to change the whole sail set up.

For eight hours today the wind direction changed from being on the port beam to the starboard beam, exactly 180 degrees, it meant we could still sail but we kept checking to ensure we were going in the right direction, we even managed to launch the code zero for a couple of hours  in lighter winds. For the uninitiated the code zero is exactly the opposite of its description being the largest sail in the pack, no one knows where the zero came from.

At the end of the period the wind again swung back exactly 180 degrees to its forecasted direction.
Normality returned and we decided on Chicken noodles for our evening meal before passing into what can only be described as the black hole, no way round it and no wind in it just drizzle and mist ………are we sure were in the South Pacific?

From the Mojoitas making progress