Position 8:58S139:36W Land Ahoy
Graham & Lesley
Mon 23 Mar 2020 07:19
8:58S139:36W Land
Ahoy 23rd
March 2020 South Pacific time local 02:00
Mojo blog 17 It was 18:30 when the shout went up for land ahoy, it took a few minutes for the realisation that we had crossed an ocean to sink in, but there it was and to be followed by a warm water squall which meant a good soaking with the addition of a branded shower gel, never so clean. The island we were approaching is the island of UA – HAKA and is 35 NM East of NUKU HIVA with only 600 inhabitants the animals, goats and horses outnumber the population and a programme is in place to adjust this as the land is now somewhat barren due to the overfeeding. Unfortunately we don’t get to see the island close up as dusk is approaching and by time we reach it the time will be 21:00 hours at 10 miles long it will take a couple of hours to pass and a short hop across to our destination which we will reach as dawn is breaking, its all in the planning you know. We were busy today putting away all our sails and gear which is needed for at sea and which we wont be using for a while, light winds forced this call as with 6 knots of wind its engine on and a big reduction in the miles covered each hour. Decks scrubbed, dinner and turn in for the first off watch. Its now 02:00 a warm breeze blowing across the deck and the engine at 17oo rpm which is the ideal fuel economy drive available and we still have plenty in reserve. Trepidation as we arrive not knowing what has changed in the world of Corona Virus in the last few days, hopefully its going to be positive news, we will try to let you know over the coming days our fate. Thanks to all who tued up ad tuned in , we hope that you found it interesting to be onboard. Graham Lee and Paul Machell achieved the crossing
from Galapagos to the Marquesas in 21 days.
This is Mojo standing by on channel 16 for the
remainder of the crossing.