Position 9:02S:130:27W Big Eye Tuna Treat

Graham & Lesley
Thu 19 Mar 2020 05:35
Position 9:02S:130:27W
Big Eye Tuna Treat 19th March 2020
South Pacific time local 02:00
Mojo blog 12 09:00 A screaming reel was the signal we had hooked into something, taking action to quickly slow the boat down and start the wind in, Paul with a determined look about him started the long arduous task and at the end of it a prise Big Eye Tuna tried to get free but lost the fight and is now in the fridge and freezer to be consumed at the appropriate moment. We try to be as humane as possible and kill the fish using a neat alcohol spray into the gills, this is the quickest method rather than trying to bludgeon it with a priest, cudgel or winch handle and is much kinder to the white gelcoat on the boat and the surrounding crew. We will fish no further on this passage as we do not need to fill the freezer for the sake of it. Easy sailing today with a mainsail and code zero both out on the starboard side of the boat, wind coming from the south and a nice beam reach driving Mojo at speeds up to 8.3 knots. Oh, the first mate calls we just recorded 10.4 of boat speed which would put us in Nuku Hiva in 2 and a half days, unfortunately its our average speed that counts. Well its well passed midnight and we have 560 miles to go, I believe the admiral has started her journey and will arrive well-travelled, if we keep up our performance we should arrive well rested but its not over till the fat Lady sings or so they say who brought her along, keep on singing Paul. Mojo shutting down her PC for the night.
Graham out and standing by on channel 16 |