Position S16:4:8138 W161:52:7268

Graham & Lesley
Tue 14 Sep 2021 10:12
Tuesday 12 September 2021 at 05:00 in the Pacific Ocean, Position S16:4:8138 W161:52:7268 Mojo to Fiji Call to change course Blog 6
Just before Dinner I decided to open Iridium and check for mail, there in
the messages was a mail from our voyage router Bob who was informing us that
after the days data we could really cut the corners and head straight towards
Nuie, in fact the exact location of the waypoint is WNW of a Anhope Reef, so we
have changed course and are headed there, what Bob did not tell us that enroute
to this location is the biggest yachtwash in the South Pacific and we had just
bought the Gold option which included several minutes of power washing, luckily
I had removed most of the soft furnishings as they opened the barriers.I saw
some squalls in the past and this was not a squall just power rain no wind but
fresh water and removing all the grime that had accumulated from the deck
The upside of the event is what to do during the rain, its obvious, you make tea. The storm passed after about ten minutes and it was not long before all was
dry and we contiued on our route checking at regular intervals that our
autopilot understood we wanted to go in the direction of a reef well within 35
nautical miles of it.
Emails came in from some of the people following our journey letting us know what was happening outside our bubble, including some world news items,thanks for that. OK people its been an eventful night and unlike the moon I am waning whilste the moon is waxing and should be full in a few days to light up our way as long as it can stream through the rain. Mojo shutting down ready for the breaking of dawn and the breaking of fast,
I am hoping for an egg day.
Mojo feeling clean.