Position 3:25S:98:03W It Pays to be polite

Graham & Lesley
Fri 6 Mar 2020 06:57
Position 3:25S:98:03W
It Pays to be polite 6th March 2020 South Pacific
time local 02:00
Mojo blog 03 Ship on the Port bow Ship on the Port Bow came the call from on deck, it was 16:14 and visibility good. A massive freighter about 5 miles away appeared on our AIS as passing us in 35 minutes 0.32 nautical miles away, for Mojo that’s a collision course. The call went out on channel 16 reading the mmsi number of the vessel and giving our name and status …… Sailing yacht under sail. For a few minutes we heard nothing until a polite Asian voice announced Yes Sir, we see you and will pass on your starboard side, thank you Mojo standing by on channel 16. A further period of 5 minutes showed the ship called Hashio Maru had not changed course so we called again and explained we were unable to alter course and could he pass behind us ……….ah sorry sir you want me to pass behind you, I am altering course, The massive vessel turned immediately, and we could see his starboard side meaning we could continue our course, so we put in another call thanking him for his endeavour and wishing him a safe journey, He politely thanked us for our call, enough excitement for one day now what’s for dinner. Graham and Paul still onboard Mojo |