Mojo update

29th January 2018 Mindelo Marina Appologies for those following Mojo has been resting in Mindelo marina under preparation for crossing the atlantic. We will be departing around midday for a short sail to Ilha de Santo antao and spend the night at anchor in Tarrafal bay hoping that the local fishermen row out and offer lobster and fish for sale……………….thats what it says in the pilot book…………………The atlantic departure will commence Tuesday morning around daylight with 20086 NM ahead of us , around the same time there are 4-6 boats due to leave and will set a course to various parts of the Carribean most will route over a seamount which is 100 meters below the surface, the learned say this is the best place to hook the big one. We know this as on one of the other boats is a colleague I used to work with and is a sailor and big game fisherman, they to will be routing this direction. We are full of food water and diesel so in good shape with no shore side injuries encountered, Cape Verde has been a welcome host and watever others say we had no issues with supplies. On arrival which was after dusk we were also in a sandstorm and didn’t see landfall until 2.5 miles away, really freeky, we then had to weave our way through the bay were a number of rotting hulls grounded by the sandbanks, we then missed checking in thru the blog, we will try to do better. Follow us and see you on the other side, as I now have to go to immigration to check out , big memories of Africa with the administration here. Mojo out. |