Position S22:57:1561 E170:24:5210

Graham & Lesley
Fri 12 Nov 2021 13:34
13 November 2021 Position S22:57:1561
E170:24:5210 2021 South Pacific
time local 00:09
Mojo blog to Australia.02
What a differnece a day makes, 24 little hours,
wind died this morning and the message came through little change in the next 3
days,engine on and set for motor sailing.
Great conditions for the chef and maintenance of anything that needs fixing with the boat almost stable we set up some more shading as we dont need any over exposure, we just found out our sailing freinds from the Canaries, Paul in the last year has had 15 procedures for skin cancer on the side of his face, enough of the scary stories,settling into life with the engine on ,catching up with all the landing and covid procedures, all to many of them. We made contact with a couple of other boats further ahead to find out that all wind has dropped, however should return and give us a ride all the way to Moreton Bay and when I type it I think of all the Moreton Bay Bugs we will consume while in Brisbane, look it up if you don,t know already. We found out that one sailing couple took cuttlery and crockery to the hotel as they didn,t fancy yhe prospect of having all meals served in cardboard with plastic knifes and forks, sounds very decadant to me. See the time, its just gone midnight and for the guy who watches the boat through the night its coffee and tonights biscuit choice of shortbread, does it get any better, see what you land lubbers are missing, and dont forget to check the oil and water in the engine when it gets a rest. Hope to see you all tommorrow somwhere on the high seas. Mojo waiting for wind |