Position 17:39:654S 149:59:377W

Graham & Lesley
Fri 10 Sep 2021 17:27
log 01       Off to Fiji  positio  at 16:00    Position 17:39:654S 149:59:377W
Om the keypoard of this moteook 2 letters are stickig guess which they are.
So we departed Papeete 11:15 followig Immigratio ad port authority permissio to leavem the eurocracy i FP is uelievale ad takes days of plammimg ut we are truly om our way.from little wimd to 20 kots over 8 hours settled for the ight thru the dark with a slit of Moom to light our way. The ship is rockig this ad that way just to sow who is im charge.Passed Morea we are ow deep ito the south Pacific for a few days of luxury travel amd will keepyou posted of whats happemig.