Position 14:39:163S 146:8:992W Tuamotus blog 22

Graham & Lesley
Sun 12 Apr 2020 06:55
 Position       14:39:163S 146:8:992W    Tuamotus      Sunday 12th April  2020 South  Pacific    time    local 02:32

Mojo blog 22
I said the other day there where over 200, well there are only 78, I must have been thinking about another group anyway you still have to navigate them and you cannot see them until you are on them which makes for difficult navigation. Oh, for electronic charts which show you exactly where you are.
Back up with paper yes but if the satellites switched off, I’m going home.

We arrived late and it was dark so decided to push on as there’s not much else to do around here and to make matters worse its hissing with rain again one of the features I cant get my head around its always raining,

Anyway not much to say tonight as I have to stay focussed until dawn, only3 hours to go then and we are to far away from any of the islands to see them, it says in the pilot books that sometimes you will here the roar of breaking waves before you see them well we don’t want that on this moonlit night.

Stay safe wherever you are.

I did call on channel 16 vhf earlier, but nobody is out there.

Standing by tired waiting.