Position 23:26.510N 20:03.939

Graham & Lesley
Sat 19 Jan 2008 16:43
We are sailing
Today the winds turned to our favour and from 09:00
we have been making 6-8 knots with sails goosewinged, rabbit ears, or the frenc
term butterfly, with the winds directly behind us we have one sail poled out to
starboard and the mainsail out on the port side, we are also able to fly our
code zero which is biger than our mainsail poled out using the boom, so we are
making exellent progress and the engine is sleeping, hopefully through the night
which gives the crew a peaceful nights rest.
We have since leaving the Canaries only sited 2
ships which passed us going north about 6 and 8 miles away, this is a real
change from the european encounters which come thick and fast.
So all well on board until we reach Cape Verde,
being a dry boat this mornings conversation turned to favourite cocktails,
I think Mojito came favourite but a cool beer will be welcome on
Mojo clear