Position 10:8:972S 141:17:706W Off we go blog 19

Graham & Lesley
Tue 7 Apr 2020 04:37
Position 10:8:972S
141:17:706W Off we go TUESDAY 7th
April 2020 South Pacific
time local 12:00pm
Mojo blog 19 I decided to leave Nuku Hiva as there is no plane incoming for the forceable future, its great if you have family and friends with you as it has turned into a community with Kids net ladies net daily 08:00 cruisers net, they even have radio Paradise 3 times a week with news and interviews and French for beginners, its just that I don’t want to buy anymore fruit or vegetables. So departure came at 06:00 this morning as I pulled up the anchor which showed that holding was good and a ton of mud still attached which had to be persuaded to return from whence it came. No life on any other boats as I weaved my way through the fleet and out of the bay which was very rolly at the entrance but soon turned into an ocean with current and 13 to 14 knots of wind, that will do nicely thank you. Sails set and off we go on a predicted five-and-a-half-day passage. I had spoken to Peter Fielding in Papeetae who is the skipper of a Beneateau 45 the day before and he intimated there were still places in the marina and to let him know when I arrived and he would take lines as it is a stern to berthing like so many in the Mediterranean, you throw out your anchor about 20 metres from the Quay and reverse onto the dock using the anchor as a stabilizer and to keep lines tight, really looking forward to it ……….. Well here we go again on an ocean passage to who knows what we find, at least its close to a main airport when something happens. OK folks night time arrived and the sun set at 17:55 dinner over and done reset the rig for night time running, which means reduce sail or and introduce a small amount of motor if the wind dies as you don’t want crashing and bashing while you are trying to get some rest. OK I’m out of here look after things while I’m away……….yes you Solo Skipper standing by an