Position S16:16:0000 W159:25:8461

Graham & Lesley
Mon 13 Sep 2021 08:48

Monday 11 September 2021 at 04:00 in the Pacific Ocean, Position S16:16:0000 W159:25:8461
 Mojo to Fiji   Flying Everything Blog 5
Well another day on the open ocean, yes flying along and we have decided we will turn the bus at daylight, which is just short of our next waypoint, we have a lot of kit out on deck  and we want to make sure the turn is well planned, carried out in daylight and doesnt interfere with our sleep patterns all important elements of life at sea.
Flying fish in the cockpit this morning luckily no one received a direct hit as they can be not only surprising but hurtful, this one had been on board some time as it was stiff as a board or a dead flying fish, some sailors enjoy a meal of flying fish, to them I say you have not provisioned enough or there is something wrong with your diet.
And so to more flying objects this morning a loud scream came from below, one of the cupboards had bounced open and yes a carton of eggs had escaped (six pack) and was destined for the saloon floor unfortunately the intercepting tackle had failed and thankfully we had already eaten breakfast or it would have been more scrambled than omlette.
We passed the Cook island today, it was a planned destination but due to the wretched Covid its not to be, in fact we will be passing not visiting a number of destinations, our route now will take us South of Samoa, past Nuie and through the Vavau Group, skirting Tonga and Capricorn Seamount ( Both on board Capricorns, its Deja Vue) through the Lau group, Gau Vadra and Koro Island through the Koro Sea to Point passage and Savusavu bay where we will make contact with the Fijian Navy who will escourt us to the quarantine area off Kopra Shed Marina where our swab test will be carried out, looking forward to that, another long cotton bud into the brain.
A lot to take in today sometimes it comes easier than others, just had some inspiration from the onboard Sonic music system, the rebirth of the Editors and scappering through the night to the booming voice on "Ocean of the night" and others, a good old stafford band seen live who believe it or not at one time where a punk band, but not anymore, come on sing up and finishing with some great drum rifts.
I got my Mojo working, out.