Position 9:01S:135:13W Brick Wall

Graham & Lesley
Sat 21 Mar 2020 06:25
9:01S:135:13W Brick Wall 21st March 2020
South Pacific time local 02:00
Mojo blog 14 Now with around 280 miles left of this Pacific crossing our minds are racing, not with the excitement of what we will find but of the Brick wall we just hit which is called Corona virus, we didn’t expect that its tentacles would reach us but have just felt the first effect and when we anchor we don’t know what to expect. We had an email and sat phone call, Lesley’s journey around the world to join us in the Marquesas had been thwarted due to the restrictions put in place by various governments she couldn’t get to Tahiti which is obviously a major airport if you want to get to the extremities of the French Polynesians. She had to turn back without leaving the airport and later added the news that French Polynesia had closed its borders to non-residents, hang on that’s us. Normally a 14 day passage at sea will qualify as a quarantine period, however by time the newly placed laws put in place by governments can sometimes be construed differently by time they have travelled to the outlying islands, our one hope is that in a week or so’s time 38 boats from the world ARC are due down here and may make things a little easier. Sorry to bleat on but its all part of a bigger plan for Mojo and its passengers who are now scattered around the world, hell for Lesley travelling back to Blighty on Saturday morning after what can only be imagined, quarantined in an airport. Lesley could have gone for the visa but would have had to endure 2 weeks quarantine in Australia, she chose to leave and who could blame her. So the worlds gone mad and we will find out in the next couple of days what and where is to be our destiny, stay tuned. Sailing did take place today although our minds were not fully on it, we have made good progress and it looks as though tomorrow we can celebrate 200 miles to the finish. Mojo continues to take care of us but gave us a fright during dinner preparations when she decided to run out of gas, our small bright blue butane bottles all 3 empties. Luckily in Panama we had secured a BBQ bottle with an American valve that we’ve adapted to suit which is equivalent to our depleted stock so hope to get refilled when we make landfall. Mojo standing by on channel 16 and hoping for some
good news soon.