Position 06:26:00N 99:11:00E

Tue 16 Sep 2008 11:19
Indian Ocean Part 2 - Day
Today it has been almost calm except for
some rain squalls when the wind was
gusting up to 40 knots.
We have been motoring most of the time today and
are are just approaching the wooded Butang Islands, which are just inside Thai
In fact, we have sailed almost all the way and so don't feel too bad about
waking the diesel donkey after a week off.
There is only 40 miles to go to our lanfall in
Langkawi,, Malaysia tomorrow morning. Tonight we will anchor in a
bay off Langkawi and then enter Malaysia "officially" at the yacht club in
the morning. The champagne is cooling (at least it is until the
b***** fridge stops working again - which it does regularly - and
that is why we are going on to Singapore in a few days - to get it
fixed)We've seen loads of quite big fishing boats in the last 24 hours but
none have approached us.
Our position is at 1200 GMT (1300
BST). |