Position 17:06:00N 63:20:00E

Mon 18 Aug 2008 11:30
18 AUGUST 2008
Arabian Sea - Indian
Ocean Its quite satisfying to see the longitude in our
position increasing day by day.
Later when we start to turn Southwards a bit for
our destination, Cochin, we will see both latitide and longitude changing, but
more slowly than the longitude changes now.
Cochin is near 10 degrees North and 76 degrees East
We are also aware of how lucky we are to have
GPS. At least we do know where we are!
It was a bit calmer today so Bill went round the deck chucking flying fish
back into the sea. There must have been twenty or so, from tiddlers up to
sardine size and all rather stiff and dead.
So far we haven't tried any line fishing but may do before the trip is