Position 07:01:00N 96:53:00E

Mon 15 Sep 2008 11:44
Indian Ocean Part 2 - Day
Its been a lovely sunny fay today with no
rain. We are actually enjoying the trip, especially as the sea is quite
calm this afternoon. Its exciting being so near our destiantion after
nearly 5,000 mautical miles
The wind has been South West at 10 to
25 knots. Progress is good and we now have
less than 200 miles left to run. Phuket is about 100 miles East North East
of us We now expect to make landfall in Lankkawi, Malaysia on Tuesday
We've seen a couple of ships in the last 24 hours.but not as many as
we expected.
Our position is at 1200 GMT (1300
BST). |