Position 14:07:00N 49:52:00E

Sat 2 Aug 2008 11:48
2 AUGUST 2008
Day 3 Aden to
Our position is at 1200GMT
The wind dropped overnight so we motor-sailed through the darkness during
the small hours at a stately 4.5 knots. Pleasant, but not getting us there
as fast as we would like. Thankfully the sea flattened out nicely so we
were not rocking and rolling too much.
Our track is about thirty miles offshore. Surprisingly, we find
ourselves in the midst of heavy shipping. We had expected the big ships to
be further offshore but they are all around us. Last night we had to ask
one to mind out for us and move over. He did.
We made about 150 miles from yesterday's 1200GMT position, the same
as yesterday. |