Position 06:18:00N 82:17:00E

Wed 10 Sep 2008 11:42
Indian Ocean Part 2 - Day
It has warmed up a bit to 31 degrees C.and the
humidity is 65% so we are a bit clammy today.
Once we passed Sri Lanka, the favourable South
West wind picked up to 23 knots and we have been flying low all day at around 9
knots. We just put in a second reef in the mainsail, as the wind shows no
signs of decreasing.
There has been less shipping but we did pass two small trawlers at anchor
in 65m of water, which is very deep to anchor.
We have done 500 milkes from Cochin and have 1100 to go.
Its good to find that we are now beating our target for daily runs and are hoping to complete the passage
in 11 days, one less than planned, but its still early days
Our position is at 1200 GMT (1300
BST). |