Position 21:29:33N 36:57:09E

Sun 18 May 2008 14:34
18 MAY 2008
We are now Khor hopping Southwards. Typically there is about ten miles between Khors so we decided to see as many as we could before we leave the area. Last night we watched the camel train, bound for
the abattoirs of Egypt, resting for the night. Later on we saw a
spectacular electric storm, way to the South, with huge lightning bolts zapping
into the hills.
Today we had a brisk sail from Marsa Hamsiat to
Marsa Abu Imama. This second Khor is the widest and most impressive we
have entered so far. A perfect natural harbour, which is just as well with
25 knot winds blowing!
We will visit two more Khors before we go back
to reef anchorages. |