Position 14:58:00N 51:34:00E

Sun 3 Aug 2008 12:03
3 AUGUST 2008
Day 4 Aden to
Our position is at 1200GMT
The wind again dropped overnight and we
motor-sailed (more like motored) through the darkness.
We had several ships pass quite close but not
threateningly close. It's not so scary when you can see them from a long
way off with the radar.
At about 0100 local time a ship to the West of us
called "Coronis" reported a suspected pirate approach at 13 Degrees ?? Minutes
North, 50 Degrees 44 Minutes East and started evasive action, At 0300
local time the ship reported that it was back on course.
The wind went round in circles most of the night
and so our speed is right down, plus the favourable current that had helped us
for the first three hundered miles has given up.
The sea temperature has also dropped to 24 degrees
C (from 29). Its cooler now but very, very humid.
We only made about 115 miles from yesterday's
1200GMT position.
A bit of trivia. As a child I was rather fond
of Captain Pugwash (and his cohorts Seaman Staines and Master Bates). I
couldn't remember the cabin boy's name but Jill (clearly a Pugwash afficianado)
reminded me that it was "Roger the cabin boy"........