At last, the Exe is ex

Zahara: The story so far......
Ron Dunn
Sun 26 Jul 2009 16:43
At last the adventure has begun (though sitting here in the rain in Brixham makes it still feel a long way off!). We left Topsham yesterday (Saturday) to the sight of Morris men performing on Topsham town Quay. I thought how nice it would be to be greeted in St Lucia by a similar sight though perhaps with a steel band rather than Morris dancers! My son, daughter and respective partners were on board and we had a sparkling sail down to Brixham. It was meant to be Dartmouth but by the time we had beat into a force 4/5 wind from the Exe, it became difficult to pass the flesh pots of Brixham! Zahara performed very well, despite a few minor teething problems and the new wind vane was particularly impressive. I still have a lot of orgaising to do so will stay in Brixham for a few days before moving down to Dartmouth. I will be looking for a weather window for Biscay but as yet, can't see and hope before 5th August at the earliest. Finally, a thankyou to all for your help and support, without it I doubt I would have kept on schedule. Windows Live Messenger: Celebrate 10 amazing years with free winks and emoticons. Get Them Now |