
Paul and Pat Marriage
Tue 18 May 2010 22:00
32:22.76N 64:40.10W



4 days to work on the boat, generally rest up, change some crew, re-provision the depleted food stores and explore Bermuda. Not long – but we’ll give it a go.


Easiest way to get around – scooters. So that’s exactly what we did.


Ton up boys



Ton up girl too !



Of course what I really wanted to hire was one of these but …..


No room for Pat on the back



So after the inevitable wobbles we set off exploring. Heading North we eventually ran out of road – but then that’s also inevitable in Bermuda – you can’t go very far in any direction before you hit the sea.


Bermuda’s most northerly bit of land


They have some strange customs in this country – especially if you misbehave. Punishment is carried out swiftly by the town crier.


Town crier getting ready to dole out the punishment.


Here’s a few examples


This bloke was accused of being a drunkard – tied to the post till he sobers up.


These two guys are just plain wicked.


Looks like Graham led Barrie astray – makes a change from Skipper leading him astray



But the best one is this woman who was accused of gossiping and nagging her husband.

Bring on the ducking stool.



I lost count of how many times they ducked her – but it went on until she shut up



It certainly caught the attention of the passers by


So if you ladies like to nag – don’t go to Bermuda


Pat was certainly impressed and she went over to the town crier to apologise for nagging her husband


Please don’t duck me – I’m really sorry.



Looks like she got off lightly to me.


That’ll teach you!


After the fun and games we had a great prize giving evening.


Crew of Peejay sharing a table with the crew of Blonde Moment


But then it was time to change crews. Pat to leave Bermuda and Nick to join the boat. Sounds easy? But no – the volcano in Iceland had other ideas or was it a last twist of the Bermuda triangle? Nick’s flight was cancelled so Pat and Nick never got to see each other on the boat and Pat left before Nick could get here.


Safe trip sweetheart – I’ll see you in the Azores


Finally – we get the crew sorted out in the nick of time and we can start the 1800 mile leg from Bermuda to the Azores at the same time as the rest of the fleet.


Nick joins in the nick of time – the crew from Bermuda to the Azores is complete


We start the 1800 mile trip at noon Bermuda time on May 19th.