Day 3

Paul and Pat Marriage
Wed 25 Nov 2009 12:00

Day 3 Noon  Wednesday 25th November


Everybody feeling much better after a bit more sleep and the sea sick people are starting to get acclimatised to the constant rolling of the boat. That meant they could start taking a much more active part in running the boat. So far although we were making good mileage it wasn’t all in the right direction. Enter the whisker pole. That made a huge difference and the % miles in the right direction leapt from 63% on day 1 to 79% on day 3. I hope to get that even higher on day 4 – more of that later. As I write this another pair of dolphins entertained us for a few minutes just before lunch.


Putting up the whisker pole


That’s it for today – talk again tomorrow – all well.