150 miles to the gallon

62:07.9W Today's
diary is written by Bosun, Visiting Professor of Astro-Navigation, Knot
Specialist and Captain's Room-mate Paddy Smyth... 151
miles of boisterous trade wind sailing has given way to calm seas and clear
skies as we sail gently at 5 knots with 12 knots of wind. The
first 36 hours of queasiness has gone, and we are now enjoying more relaxing
weather, good sleep and time for leisure, as everything on the boat becomes a
bit easier to do.
But we
still need electricity for the instruments, lights, fridge and freezer. These
call for five hours of generator time a day, so you could say that this 12 ton
mobile home is managing 150 miles to a gallon of diesel. We're recycling
our bio-degradable rubbish and saving plastic till we get to the
Allan has introduced the first contest, to make plasticine models of everyday objects – all extremely difficult as you will see when the winner is photographed. We are now working on our designs, - in between snoozing, eating, and keeping watch. |