Tropic of Cancer

Charles Tongue
Thu 27 Nov 2008 18:15
21:50.00N 20:45.65W
Tropic of Cancer.......
Our noon day run was 127 miles, not quite our best so far but an improvement and we are heading south west at 7 to 8 Kn at the moment with the spinnaker up and working hard. If this continues we will have our best 24 hour run by midday tomorrow - meanwhile everything could change! The weather pattern is complicated and we are making for the lattitude of 18 degrees north which we hope will take us into settled tradewinds. North of this lattitude there are unsettled conditions with some headwinds, large areas of calm and, closer to the east side of the Atlantic, stronger winds. In the early hours of the morning we crossed the Tropic of Cancer and are at present over 200 miles west of Cap Blanc, Mauritania. We plan to skirt just north of the Cape Verde Islands and then head across towards St Lucia.
        The skipper is missing Francoise but has found a substitute!!                                                              Graham hard at work in the cockpit!
These pictures illustrate how the work around Neroli is evenly distributed. Charlie, the skipper, is usually to be found in the office (chart table) or in the engine room. Lou and Henry are often found preparing delicious dishes for our gourmet meals and Graham....... well the picture tells all! We have hardly seen any wildlife but yesterday saw our first pod of dolphins and we have seen a Stormy Petrel and a few Shearwaters. 
We are all well and enjoying some wonderful sailing conditions but look forward to when the butter melts and we can turn right! We seem to be doing quite well when we compare our positions with others taking part in the ARC but have no other yachts in sight.