Rasta, whales and hydrovanes

18:33.6N 62:03.9W 103.5 nautical miles to noon (UTC - new name for GMT); close-hauled
on starboard tack heading 355. Force 4 to 5 with moderate seas, making 7 knots
with one reef in the main and the genoa. Great sailing under blue
Today is the Skipper's birthday and the crew has been dribbling out
occasional small gifts in an attempt to keep him in a good mood all day - or at
least until dinner when he's been promised mashed potatoes to go with his beef
bourguignon. We have also been even more lavish than usual in our praise of his
skills, wardrobe and leadership style. Notable among the gifts was an
item of headgear from Allan - we'll burn some bandwidth to get you a
Early this morning we saw huge columns of water about two miles
astern. It could only be whales and sure enough a vast form rose up and we
saw a full breach ending in a tremendous fountain of spray. Too far and too
fast to photograph, but a memorable sight. It's still very hot but the mosquitoes don't seem to like
life at sea and we're very happy to report that they've headed home to