Working our way to the right conditions

Charles Tongue
Sat 29 May 2010 00:47

34:23.9N 62:13.4W

We ran 132 miles from noon to noon UTC in a wide variety of wind conditions. Under Herb’s guidance we’re working our way north, aiming to get to 35N some time tomorrow to pick up winds with at least some component of west in them.

Early this morning we had 30 knots right behind us and hit 8.4 knots, but our heading wasn’t what we needed so the excitement was relatively brief.

For much of the day since we’ve been sailing close-hauled with 15 to 20 knots of wind. This is hard work and uncomfortable – not what we hoped for and expected – but at least it’s taking us towards the area where we believe we’ll find much more favourable conditions.

Today has been good for wildlife. Our first observation was a large turtle (heading for Bermuda) of which no photograph could be obtained. The second was a group of dolphins that played around Neroli for some time. The only image we can offer of his event is a rather blurred frame from a movie.

With wind and wave conditions making cooking a real challenge, this was a good time to go to the freezer. We enjoyed a fish pie (made in St Lucia) that's already travelled more than 1,500 miles.