On route to PNG

David & Valerie Dobson
Thu 15 Jul 2010 04:56
As I write this we are about 350 mile from the Oz coast being circled by
Noddy and Booby birds, with about 200 miles to run to Papua New Guinea.
It's now 1300hrs and we are hoping to make it by about 1600hrs tomorrow
(Friday local time). The trip as been not been the best so far with steady
30 knots winds about 60 degrees of the bow, which makes it a bit rough, but
at least it's warm now, unfortunately we have to have the boat shut up
because the incessant spray coming over the Kanaloa. Poor Ollie our new
crew, has been suffering a bit and has not found his sea-legs yet! He has
spent most of his time laying in the cockpit or in his bunk, we have excused
him any boat duties or any watch routine.
Valerie is looking after him and making sure he drinks to keep his body
fluids up - at least he hasn't honked up - yet! We left Palm Island on
Monday morning around 10.00am and sailed 160 miles overnight to Holmes Reef,
where we arrived about 10.00 the next day, after a very lumpy motor across
the lagoon we found a beautiful anchorage in royal blue and turquoise
waters, Ollie came to life and Valerie introduced him to his first snorkel
which he absolutely loved, it proved to be a great stop to gather our
strength and do a few repairs for this leg!
It has been a pity that the weather has not been kinder to us for Ollie's
first passage. We are sure he is going to love the islands though as this
will be our last long passage until we return in a couple of months.