30:24.196n 87:12.848w

The Big Adventure
Doug Gillis/Shirley Hunter/Chief of Security Rags
Wed 9 Nov 2011 19:57
weather is gorgeous although they do say a front is coming – but they said
that last week too.
We have decided to keep the boat here until after we get back from Europe
in February. The marina is the Palafox marina right in the museum
district. I can’t wait to explore.
We spent yesterday cleaning the boat and the dingy and even Rags got a
bath. We even have cable TV at the moment – how wonderful.
The plan is now to rest and recover and then spend Thanksgiving in
Mississippi with Doug’s Daughter and the Grandkids and then come back to
Houston for a few days before heading to England to spend Christmas with
my Daughter and my Grandkids - all this travelling is so exciting I will
keep posting where in Europe we are as we go.