13 27N 47 26E

Dany II to the Philippines
John Ridsdel
Wed 19 Aug 2009 06:06
  13 27N  47 26E
Aug.19, 2009
Dany II...entering the danger zone...we now have 435mi. to go till we reach Salalah, Oman...we never thought that reaching a container port would be a high priority & a welcome sight, but we're really looking forward to getting there...yesterday nite was calm, with only 1 fishing boat all nite...unfortunately, we had to power all night , but we have to keep up our speed...fortunately, the current has finally turned E & is giving us  an additional1knt. of speed...it might not sound like a lot, but in the world of sailing, it's a huge help!...strong winds are forecast for today, & it seems like it's trying to fill in now...the engine won't be turned off till it does tho...meanwhile, we're keeping a close watch for anything unusual & are hopeing for another "uneventful" day...stay tuned...Dany II & the crew