day 8

Tim and Julia and Tiger
Mon 23 Jan 2012 12:22
position 15:21.5 N 39:32.7 W
'Jemmima' was a pain in the neck last night; ( I refuse to call it 'she') kept us all up with its indecisive dithering in the light wind. Attention seeker!!  King fulfilled a life long ambition yesterday, to bake bread on board. It took a while (rising, apparently) but was worth waiting for. The butter, which should have long since melted, was still spreadable.Delicious. There was even a small loaf of white playdough bread for the psuedo- coeliac amongst us. Not only that treat, but another one followed, with pancakes at teatime. I think 'Gordon' and 'Jamie' may have a bit of sibling rivalry going on here. Tiger and I would do well to encourage it wholeheartedly. On a marine note, we are encountering our first squalls of rain and sudden wind increase. You see the  low black cloud coming with about 10 minutes warning, then the air temperature drops like someone turned the fan heater to its cold setting, and it starts to rain. We have flattish sea and lightish winds so these squalls present no real problem. You just need to shorten sail pretty quickly and enjoy the fresh water precipitaion for a few minutes, then its back to hot sun, sea and sky.