day 3

Tim and Julia and Tiger
Wed 18 Jan 2012 12:32
position 15:44.7 N 28:55.4 W
It seems a bit slow going !! even though we did our best run today..143M in 24 hrs. We each try not to continually recalculate how long it will take, it is not an uplifting topic! The swell is huge (although it could be MUCH bigger), epsecially at night and never from quite the same direction each time. It makes you lurch about whenever you try to do anything, above or below decks. Peeing in the bucket is like a game from It's A Knockout. We have 3 or 4 flying fish on deck each morning. These amazing little fish come out of the water to skim along the surface for about 100yds and can do tight turns as well. Obviously their sense of direction is not so great, as you hear them commit suicide against the deck in the dark hours. Tiger caught a beautiful dorado yesterday, about 2 1/2 ft long, on a home made squid lure. He was well chuffed, and so were we when Tim served up it's delicious fillets for dinner. The sun is in a clear blue sky today which makes a big difference to morale. A grey sea to match the sky is a bit like a huge prison cell. Tiger and I got a good dose of wave-down-the-neck yesterday, just to confirm the previous sentence! Why? Obvious isn't it. We were on the wrong side of the boat!