Far too optimistic.

Tom & Jos Hollway
Sun 29 Nov 2015 17:11
Glorious sail up to Anegada on Thursday. Motoring out of the marina the engine purred happily. 5 hours later we arrived at the channel that leads through the reef to the idyllic, flat Caribbean island, and started the engine. The revs had fallen off significantly and a whining, complaining noise - from the engine, not me though it might have been, reverberated around the cockpit. We made the decision to head straight back and arrived at the east end of the island, in pitch dark, dropped an anchor, had a liquid supper and continued on to Nanny Cay in the morning ( after more filter changes).
So disappointing as a) Anegada is one of our favourite places in the world, and b) the blinking engine is still rubbish.
The decision has now been made to empty the whole fuel tank, polish the fuel, take the boat out into choppy water with a small amount in, presumably be towed back in with me vomiting, empty that fuel out, put the cleaned fuel back in and see if any improvement. This will take hours of foul diesel smell, tripping up on hoses and continued mayhem, starting tomorrow. Oh- and more boat units. I can hardly wait....
xx Jos and Tom
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