Spare halyard - anyone?

Tom & Jos Hollway
Tue 4 May 2010 19:06
23:44N 64:51W
Hi. Great sailing day yesterday. All feeling
good by the evening after pill popping by 3 of us and Chris sporting a
patch behind his ear like a misplaced earing. No mal der mer today - eating like
horses. The wind has dropped to the extent that the three sailors had an
urge to fly the cruising chute again. 2 hrs of toil attaching it to the
spare halyard, 20 minutes of cruising chute up, snapped, cruising chute
down over the side again and now back in it's bag where it belongs. Tom,
Chris and James very disappointed after so much effort, (my contribution was to
press an electric winch).
The fishing rod has been deployed. 15 minutes later
much excitement -" Fish on the line!" from Tom. He reeled a moderate sized
chunk of seaweed into the boat which we
released back to the wild .
Lots of love to all from
Three Men in a Boat and