In the BVI via Antigua.

Tom & Jos Hollway
Wed 31 Oct 2012 12:36
We arrived at the boat on Monday evening at 23.00hrs. Our usual journey is via New York but this time we decided to travel via Antigua as the plan is to return from there in December. This turned out to be a piece of good luck as poor old New York was being battered by Sandy.
The weather is divine- sorry. Hot and sunny, not too humid.
Pelekan has been well looked after all summer by Antilles Yachts in Nanny Cay. Of course we have yet to test out generator, engine etc and past experience + a little scepticism lead me to think that trouble is ahead!
Tom spent yesterday fighting with computers. I'm so pleased our granddaughter was not here to broaden her already extensive vocabulary. This was interrupted in the afternoon by the arrival and fitting of the new mainsail. I thought it would be made of mink judging by the price but yards of Dacron were unfurled and, after buckets of sweat and toil ( by Tom and Kevin) it was sucked into the mast and will be tested, I hope, by the weekend.
The plan is to do some local sailing in the BVI then launch the boat east.
More later.
Jos and Tom