Back in Antigua

Tom & Jos Hollway
Tue 31 Jan 2012 19:52
17:01N 61:46W
We left Bourg Les Saintes at 08.00 on Thursday and sailed back to English Harbour, around 85 miles, the last 40 of which were back to that " food mixer" sensation. We arrived at English Harbour in the dark at 7.0 pm to discover that, yet again, the anchor had been jammed into it's slot by the crashing waves and would not budge. Thankfully the fuel dock was closed, but empty so we tied up and went next door for a pizza!
It has been a great week with Nick. Sadly he goes home this evening. We want his last day to be memorable so we are enlisting his help to change the Holding Tank Vent Filter. We have just discovered this is sited behind one of the saloon cushions, where I store our Happy Hour snacks.......
This week is tidy up week and then the BVI at the weekend.
Lots of love Jos, Tom and Nick