
16:46N 62:13W
Yesterday was a trying day......
We motorsailed to Monteserrat. The winds were light but increased as we approached the island. Since the major volcanic eruption in 1995 there is one port, in Little Bay. It is well named and by the time enough room is left for the ferry, limited anchoring space.
The anchorage was extremely roly so launching ourselves into the dingy was dodgy but we made it to the shore, clutching boat papers etc. for customs. We were greeted by extremely pleasant customs officials and began filling in forms.
Tom kept scratching his ankles.
We were directed to a security building for more forms then went to discuss an island tour with a taxi man, in a shed. By now Tom was scratching at his ankles even more and I noticed there were armies of tiny ants on the ground. We moved smartly and returned to the boat.
Over the next 15 mins he developed general “itch” and hives appeared over every inch of his body, apart, from his feet and ankles. This progressed to a moderately severe allergic reaction which lasted for several hours. Piriton was taken in quantity but I held back on adrenaline as discomfort in the throat did not progress, thank goodness. It was a bit like deja vue, the main difference being that we were on a boat rocking and rolling in a bay which was almost impossible to exit from even when fit with finely honed bodies like ours usually are......
By evening the signs and symptoms had gone and we spent the night being rocked to sleep violently.
Today we will explore the island with our taxi man, wearing long trousers, shoes and socks and plastered with “off”. No more excitement I hope.