Surprise surprise!

Tom & Jos Hollway
Sun 9 May 2010 01:52
32:20N 64:40W
We have just returned to the boat following the
award dinner. We won our class (one of two) and overall came second! We
were DELIGHTED, but, of course, in British style, modest in victory. We
now have a large pewter plate inscribed with "Atlantic Cup 2010 First Place"
which is too big to fit into any crockery shelves and anyway would garotte you
if it flew across the cabin in a bumpy sea. On return to the
boat (still anchored astern to the harbour wall) the gang plank onto
the deck had changed considerably as we are now at low tide. Normally this
could be a problem but no worries. James leapt on board in his mountain goat
fashion. Tom wobbled on, I tacked on and Chris walked on boldly, only to realise
he had left his new hat ( a gift from a sponsoring rum company) in the
restaurant. He returned in no time, making a less confident but successful
launch across the plank.
Thank goodness the next leg of the journey is not a
race. Weather forecast not too bad, nonetheless I think we may have to resort to
pills, patches, pressure bracelets and yoga in order to cope with the vast
amount of food still occupying the fridge, freezer and every cupboard on the
We will probably depart tomorrow evening and
will still be "plotted" to the Chesapeake, and blogging- if such a word exists
in Chambers.
Lots of love from the triumphant Captain and Crew,
Tom, James, Chris and Jos xxxx