A bipolar week so far!
Tom & Jos Hollway
Thu 26 Nov 2015 11:20
18:24.00N 64:38.00W
Happy Thanksgiving to our American friends.
This has not been an idle ( or economical) week, so far. Monday was a positive day. The new bilge pump sensor was fitted ( 3 hours of being upside down in the bilges by a saint, ie not Tom or I) - and it works!
The main engine was also serviced so, buoyed by these events on Tuesday we went for a day sail and "shake down". Last year we had problems with diminishing power from the engine - indeed complete failure at one point which involved one and a half "boat units" to bring about any improvement. (A boat unit, in Pelekan speak, is $1000. It softens the harsh reality of the continuous expenditure). Anyway it was lovely to be out of the marina but even after the service the main engine was unhappy and the revs were dying away making return after a leisurely lunch at anchor a slow affair.
Yesterday we had a new exterior fuel pump fitted. BINGO- the revs shot up and the grin on Tom's face widened. Today we are are going out for a more extensive trial of a few days, minus the dinghy outboard which will be serviced at the weekend, so Cambridge rowing skills will need to be refreshed if we go ashore. All being well the outboard will be done by Monday and we will push off east. Fingers and toes are crossed.
xx Jos
and Tom
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