Tom & Jos Hollway
Sun 26 Oct 2008 13:02
39:08.71N 76:15.13W Back in Osprey Point after a
difficult trip towards Hampton to join Carib 1500. As ever boat reapirs
that appeared secure were not! The generator was sataggering into life
after its' recent service so having got half way down the Chesapeake we turned
back to have it sorted, the bay promptly bit us hard and a short, violent sea
off the Potomac mouth left us with damaged davits requiring removal. The weather
was appalling and James and I holed up in Smith Creek for two days until it
eased. Then we found the water had gone being blown out of the bay for 48
hours from the north. We finally got off the mud and returned to Rock
Hall, the Carib 1500 now being removed from the agenda. Seriously