No happy sailing.
Tom & Jos Hollway
Wed 21 Nov 2012 11:26
18:24.00N 64:38.00W
Tom and I have now been in the Caribbean for over 3 weeks. We have had 2 sails to North Sound, 2 cases of Dengue fever and 1 generator which refuses point blank to be repaired - in fact it is worse now than when work began.
Humour is an interesting human emotion. Up until a couple of days ago we still had a sense of it. In fact, on Saturday, when we had supper with Bruce and Kerry, we joked about our "suicide pact", triggered after days of FedEx, flushing, cleansing, backflowing, boat upside down with cabin steps removed for access thus requiring the agility of a mountain goat to enter or exit down below, I could go on......
Still it overheats and switches off, now after less than 30 mins if any reasonable load is applied. Yesterday the heat exchanger was taken away for an acid bath- but we're not holding our breath.
Sense of humour now zero.
Reading Keith and Clare's blog with a list of non functioning boat and body parts makes ours look rather amateur. IF we had a powerful alternator on our main engine we could probably manage without the generator at all, but we don't.
Never mind. The good news is there is no shortage of rum.
J and T